
(S09) A Multidisciplinary Panel Discussion Using a Proactive Approach to Peristomal Skin Health Earlier in a Patient’s Journey

  • Room: Texas Ballroom F, Omni Fort Worth Hotel
  • Session Number:S09
Tuesday,June 07, 2022:7:00 AM -8:30 AM


Daniel Galante DO, FACS
Colorectal Surgeon
AdventHealth Medical Group
Ron Sotomayor BA, RN, CWOCN
Clinical Consultant
Advent Health Orlando
Tammy Lichtman BSN, RN, CWON
Nursing Program Outcomes Manager
AdventHealth Central Florida Division South
Wil Walker MBA, BSN, RN
Clinical Resource Manager for US Ostomy
Hollister Incorporated


Supported by Hollister Incorporated

WOC nurses are best positioned to make positive impacts to the lives of the patients they care for. Unfortunately, people living with a stoma who experience leakage and peristomal skin complications have a decreased quality of life. Surgeons, WOC nurses, and home care nurses have the responsibility to be PROACTIVE in their practice and consider products designed to provide security with a pouching system to support healthy peristomal skin.
This panel discussion symposium, led by a moderator, will discuss the use of soft convexity earlier in a patient’s journey with the health care team who strive to achieve positive outcomes and set their patient’s up for success from the start.

Learning Outcome

• Describe the evidence supporting the use of convexity post operatively
• Dispel the myth of avoiding convexity in the post-operative period
• Consider a change of practice to support positive outcomes for the patient earlier in the patient’s journey
• Understand the impact the WOC nurse has on a patient’s quality of life