
(300) Strengthening the Core After Ostomy Surgery: What's Safe? What Can Patients Do and What Should They Avoid?

  • Room: Ballroom B-C
  • Session Number:300
Monday,June 06, 2022:11:15 AM -12:15 PM


Sarah Russell MSc
Clinical Exercise Specialist
Sarah Russell - The Ostomy Studio


In this presentation, Sarah will share the evidence and research about the importance of core exercises for ostomy patients. Instead of 'rest for 6 weeks' or 'avoid core exercises' she will talk about the important role of early rehabilitation and how this could reduce the risk of parastomal hernia. In the presentation, she will also share exercises that nurses can teach their patients right away, plus highlight some exercises that patients might want to avoid. After this presentation, participants will feel more confident to talk about safe and appropriate core exercise with their ostomy patients.

This session will not offer any nursing contact hours.


Learning Outcome

After this presentation, participants will feel more confident to talk about safe and appropriate core exercise with their ostomy patients.
