Abstract Information

Thank you to everyone who submitted their abstract for WOCNext 2025. 
The abstract submission site is now closed. 

General Submission Information

Your abstract should describe one of the following: 

Research Study Icon
In this abstract category, author(s) will present original research focusing 
on wound, ostomy, continence, foot care, or professional practice.
Case Series Icon
In this abstract category, author(s) will present THREE cases that present a clinical challenge managed with a unique solution that pertains to wound, ostomy, continence, or foot care.
Practice Innovation Icon
In this abstract category, author(s) will present innovative practice changes that demonstrate a new way to approach a problem that pertains to wound, ostomy, continence, foot care, or professional practice. Quality Improvement projects will be presented in this category.

All submissions must be completed electronically. No hard copies will be accepted. Selection of abstracts is based on a blind peer review using the criteria below. All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing (JWOCN).

Please provide appropriate symbols and references and secure all permissions if dealing with copyrighted material and/or patents. This is solely the author(s) responsibility to secure these permissions. The WOCN® Society has no responsibility whatsoever in securing these permissions.    

Please give credit to all references used in the development of the abstract/poster. Lack of appropriate citation may result in abstract/poster rejection.

Please note: Submitted abstracts are final. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, rules for what type of information is not allowed, names, and credentials before you submit.

Registration to WOCNext 2025 by the presenting author is required for all accepted abstracts.

Click here to view the 2024 accepted abstracts.

If you have any questions, please contact Donna Bliss, PhD, RN, FGSA, WOCNF, FAAN, National Conference Planning Committee Abstract Chair at abstracts@wocn.org


Important Details

  • Abstract Submission Opens: Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
  • Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, November 4, 2024, 11:00 AM EST / 8:00 AM PST.
  • Acceptance/Rejection Notification Letters Sent: December 2024 (If you do not receive a notification in December 2024, please check your spam folder. If you do not see the message there, contact info@wocn.org)
  • Registration Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2025.
  • ePoster Upload Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025.

Abstract Author Resources

WOCNext 2025 Webinars

Earn 0.50 Contact Hours with this bite-size learning course. This sessions   demonstrates the step-by-step process for submission of an abstract and will provide you with tips for successful abstract writing. 


WOCNext 2025 Resources

Review this PowerPoint slide to view the abstract submission process instructions and view a complete list of FAQs. 


WOCNext Articles

Whether you're a seasoned poster presenter or a first-time abstract submitter, this blog will help you prepare and submit an abstract for WOCNext. 


WOCNext 2025 Webinars

Earn 0.50 Contact Hours with this Bite-Sized Learning Course. This session reviews the guidelines for developing a successful ePoster. The session includes the discussion of the key components of an ePoster presentation and tips for successful development. 


WOCTalk WOCnext 2025

On this episode of WOCTalk, we discuss important strategies and tips to develop successful abstracts, common mistakes, how to design posters, new changes, and more.

LISTEN NOW                                             


Instructions for Abstract Submission

  1. Only the names of authors who have completed work on the study/project may be included. All authors must be submitted at the time the abstract is submitted. Authors listed on the abstract at time of submission should be the same as those listed on the poster. 
  2. The title for the presentation should inform the reader of the subject matter.
  3. Limit the abstract to 300 words, single-spaced. Title, author, and references are not included in the word count. Please be sure that your abstract describes the work performed.
  4. A minimum of three (3) patients are required for the “Case Series " abstract category.
  5. No images or photos can be included in the abstract.
  6. Abstracts should be submitted to their appropriate category. Those submitted to an incorrect category cannot properly be reviewed and thus will not be accepted.
  7. The abstract will be blind-reviewed, so please make sure that neither author(s) name(s) nor institutional affiliations appear in the body of the abstract text. Use generic descriptions of settings.
  8. At least one and no more than three references in AMA style are required. There is a separate area to provide references.
  9. PRODUCT OR DEVICE BRAND NAMES MUST NOT BE INCLUDED IN YOUR ABSTRACT- NO EXCEPTIONS. Please provide only the generic name in the body of the abstract.

The Review Process

The review process is completed by individuals selected for their content/research expertise and using criteria shown in the Abstract Scoring section below. Abstracts are blindly reviewed (meaning that the person who reads and rates an abstract does not know the name of the author(s)). Abstracts are accepted or rejected based on an average of scores of several reviewers.

The highest scoring abstracts will be considered for oral presentation at WOCNext. Authors of top ranking abstracts will be invited to present their findings during a General Session. Those top scoring abstracts not chosen for an oral presentation will still be considered for poster presentations.

All abstracts are reviewed for compliance with the above instructions.


No Contact Hours with Posters

All posters in the meeting abstract site/displayed in the Poster Hall at WOCNext 2025 will be Non-ANCC Contact Hour posters. This means that no ANCC Contact Hours will be awarded for any abstracts/posters in 2025. 


Abstract Scoring

The abstract reviewers will use the following criteria to score each abstract:

Research Abstracts

  1. Topic: Problem or gap in knowledge is identified and is significant to wounds, ostomy, continence, foot care, and/or professional practice.
  2. Purpose/Aims/Research Question: Are the Purpose/Aims/Research Question clearly stated?
  3. Study Design/Method (including data/statistical analyses): Are the design and methods (including data/statistical analyses) described and appropriate?
  4. Statistics: Have appropriate statistical methods been used?
  5. Results (including statistical significance if relevant): Are the results presented in sufficient detail to address the research purpose/questions/aims? Is statistical significance noted if relevant?
  6. Conclusion: Are conclusions supported by data presented in the abstract?
  7. Clarity: Is the abstract well written? Are ideas clearly communicated?
  8. Abstract is submitted to the appropriate abstract category.

Practice Innovation Abstracts

  1. Topic: Is the topic significant to wounds, ostomy, continence, foot care, and/or professional practice?
  2. Purpose of the innovation/objective: Is the purpose clearly stated? Is a description included that identifies the need for the practice innovation?
  3. Process/Replication in practice: Does the description provide clear details that would allow replication in practice?
  4. Outcomes: Are the outcomes that relate to the problem and objective(s) included? Are the key measures or indicators used to evaluate the outcomes described?
  5. Clarity: Is the abstract well written? Are ideas clearly communicated?
  6. Abstract is submitted to the appropriate abstract category.

Case Series Abstracts

  1. Statement of Clinical Problem: Is the clinical problem/challenge clearly articulated and relevant to WOC nursing practice? Is relevant clinical data included (age, gender, primary related diagnosis, and relevant comorbidities)?
  2. Description of Past Management: Is the duration of the clinical problem stated? Are past management approaches and patient responses described?
  3. Current Clinical Approach: Is the management plan and any changes made to it described along with rationale?
  4. Patient Outcomes: Is the patient response described, including time frame for response, objective and subjective data?
  5. Are there at least 3 patients included, unless a very specific or unusual case or technology is used?
  6. Conclusions: Are clinical implications identified along with limitations? Has the author limited conclusions to this case series only, without generalization to the general population?
  7. Abstract is submitted to the appropriate abstract category.

Abstract Presentation Formats

If the abstract is chosen for oral presentation, only the primary author will make the presentation. Oral presentations must be made in-person. Time for oral presentations will vary and will be communicated to authors well in advance of the date of the presentation.

ePoster Presentations

All abstracts will be presented in electronic format (ePoster) with each author being able to choose to also present their work in a traditional hard copy format. At the time of acceptance, the author must declare their intent to also present in a traditional hard copy format.

Click here for more information on creating an ePoster.

To review the 2025 ePoster guidelines, please click here.


Poster Review

Posters will be reviewed by the WOCN® Society National Conference Abstract Chair/designee and judges. Infractions that violate these published guidelines could result in a poster being temporarily altered or even removed from display. Please follow the guidelines carefully to avoid these scenarios. To review the 2025 ePoster guidelines, please click here.

Merit Awards

All submitted abstracts undergo a rigorous peer review process to determine acceptance for presentation at the conference. The top scoring posters in each category are then peer reviewed during the event to determine Merit Award winners for the categories of Case Series, Practice Innovation, and Research. Merit Awards will be announced during the Abstracts General Session on Monday, June 2, 2025 from 9:40 AM – 11:10 AM.

If an abstract is accepted for poster presentation, specific information about layout, including a tutorial on poster layout/development will be available post notification of acceptance.

At least one author must register to attend WOCNext 2025 by Friday, March 14, 2025.


Need More Help?

Sometimes novice and other authors may have difficulty assimilating ideas into the abstract/poster format. WOCN will connect those who may desire some support by connecting them with seasoned abstract/poster authors to review the abstract/poster content in progress or to answer questions. If interested in this opportunity, please send an email to abstracts@wocn.org. Please be sure to indicate what area in which you are seeking assistance: 1) development of content, 2) turning content into a poster, 3) distilling the story, or 4) something else. Kindly note: Taking advantage of any mentoring opportunity does not guarantee abstract acceptance of any work for the WOCNext 2025 abstract program.


If you have any questions, please contact Donna Bliss, PhD, RN, FGSA, WOCNF, FAAN, National Conference Planning Committee Abstract Chair at abstracts@wocn.org