Stomagienics, Inc.  

Greenville,  SC 
United States
  • Booth: 113

Welcome to Stomagienics!

The StomaGenie® Ostomy Output Capture Cartridge is a single-use, biodegradable device, lined with superabsorbent odor control fabric, used to assist in applying the pouching system properly and hygienically. With the cartridge covering an exposed stoma, it reduces the risk of skin contamination, from small drips to flowing output, promoting healthier peristomal skin. The StomaGenie can be used with all ostomies, ileostomy, urostomy and fluid colostomies. In addition, the cartridge can be used with both 1 and 2-piece pouches regardless of manufacturer. When used during an exam, clinicians appreciate the stress-free time needed to properly care for the peristomal skin. With the fear of an active stoma eliminated, patient dignity is restored and necessary instruction is easily absorbed. Healthcare professionals are able to maintain time-efficiency and reduce product waste. StomaGenie comes in 12 sizes and is Medicare reimbursable under HCPCS A5081 (30/mo) and covered by most health insurance companies. Distribution is available through most major distributors such as Byram Healthcare, Edgepark, 180 Medical, Medline, etc.

Brands: StomaGenie®, SecurPress® and Hands-Free Mount


  • StomaGenie Ostomy Output Capture Cartridge
    StomaGenie is designed to capture uncontrolled output from an exposed stoma during a pouch change or exam to allow for a controlled, clean process. It is Medicare approved....

  • Covered by Medicare - List of Distributors
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